Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In And Out of the Country...

     Immigration to me and the rest of the country is a major issue. The reason being that both my parents were at some point illegal immigrants in Texas. My parents migrated from mexico and established a legal living in El Paso 20 years ago. They bacame residents through a reform along with thousands of immigrants that were only seeking a better opportunity.
     The article in Texas Tribune pressents both sides of the controversy which is real interesting if you have an open mind and do not lean republican or democrat. Everything started in 2006 when the U.S. Congress opened up a debate about illegal immigration. Now in Texas the state's immigration policies became the subject matter, the noun in the sentance. Anti- immigration advocates like the republican Leo Berman say, "that the state pays too much to provide services to undocumented immigrants and thier children." Along with this they proposed a set of bills that discouraged illegal immigration. After this proposals immigrant advocates and business groups joined and are working against the anti-immigration proposals. They argue that immigrants are the fuel for Texas economy.
     In my point of view we need a reform for the immigrants and solve thier situation. This controversy is now affecting and destroying families all around the U.S. We as a whole are immigrants and need to look out for the people that are taking on our hard labor jobs.