The new health care law was a win win for children and adults but a lost to insurance plans. The new law requires for all states to insure dependents under their parent’s employment insurance,Medicaid or CHIP until age 26. I was happy to hear the bill had passed because I have an 18 month daughter; she currently is under Medicaid but also qualifies for a private insurance. I had so much trouble when my daughter was 6 months because the insurance would not cover her due to the therapy she needed, so I then had to apply for Medicaid and getting her approved for the needed therapy. My daughter is now starting on speech therapy and I was so glad to hear that she qualified without problems and happy to hear that the bill covers dependents incase my daughter needs therapy at an older age.
The bill will help families that are in situations similar or worst than my daughters. Now allot more children will be insured and continue to be insured until they are able to be financially responsible for their medical coverage. The problem the insurance companies have it is that with more dependents insured the more bill statements they will be subjected to pay. Although the focus or purpose of this bill is to insure all the uninsured; legislatures are hoping insurance companies will start providing preventive care instead of focusing on the high cost of maintaining dependents healthy.
I guess for most was a huge surprise to hear that our legislatures have finally agreed on a subject. I honestly hope Texas continues in a good path and passes laws that benefit instead setting back Texans. As whole, Texas is doing much better in meting the needs of their residents and their take on this bill for me requires a thumps up.