Monday, November 29, 2010

Are they going to learn what I learned?

One topic that really catches my attention is education for the fact that I want to teach. I am actually studying to be a history teacher for grades 8-12. I believe that we all need history in order to learn from our past and implement what we learn towards the future. I was really concerned when reading the article Exclusive: Texas Textbook Wars Would Affect All of Our Nation’s Students in Family Security Matters written by The Editors. The article talks about how History Textbooks are going under dramatic changes about what is going to be written in them and what is going to be omitted.  The changes are considering to be over ; the Vietnam War, the Korean War, the Civil Rights movement, the Cold War, Reconstruction and the Great Depression. I have to say that I totally disagree with this idea. We should all learn and have knowledge of what our great Nation has been through and be proud to say we have been able to recover from the worst case scenarios. I want to be able to teach everything that has happened in the past without leaving anything behind. All the subjects that are being debated were crucial to our forming and form part of what we Americans are.
On top of my educational preferences I am a parent. As a parent I would like for my child to learn History as it was and not as certain groups would want them too. I would like for my child to learn that Christopher Columbus was not who discovered America, as I was taught, but Indians that already had settled lives in this land.  Personally I am really concerned with this issue and hope that it comes to a good ending or more that one are going to be upset. We need o learn and teach EVERYTHING from the past.


  1. I agree with my classmate Palmira in this statement: “We all need history in order to learn from our past and implement what we learn towards the future.” History is very important for everybody, not just for people majoring in history. Some people think that history is boring and useless, but the reality is that what has happened in the past has changed how we live our lives today. I am against keeping important events of our history from future generations. When I took my history I and II in college, I realized that a lot of information was not well explained in high school. I had a great teacher who also writes Texas history books for middle school. He used to tell us that sometimes some information from his books was omitted and that he had a hard time convincing the editors to print all that he wanted to teach about the real history of Texas. This type of situation hurts future generations because they deserve the true story of our history.

  2. I don't believe we should omit anything from our past text books, but I do believe we should add any information that has been recently discovered. Not only do our youth of the today get to learn about our rich history that we have learned, but they also get to discover many other important facts that have been dug up. Now everyone has their opinion on what is relevant to our history, but that does not mean we should just start marking out whatever information we feel is irrelevant. I do believe teachers have the free will to teach what is relevant to them just as long as they meet the education standards set by law. If you are a student who has a teacher who does not always follow the book, you have the book and if you choose to enlighten yourself further, you also have the right to do so. Knowledge is everywhere and how you choose to attain it, it is all up to you to take the initiative and feed your mind.

  3. While reading my classmates’ blogs, I found one that caught my attention. The blog is by Palmira Ramirez, and it talks about the possible dramatic changes that are going to happen to the Texas textbooks over the topics of the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and the Civil Rights Movement. One line that I like and concur with is when Palmira says “I believe that we all need history in order to learn from our past and implement what we learn towards the future.” I like this because, like Palmira, I believe that everyone needs to learn history in order to take part in society. History is really important because without it we will not appreciate what we have today. Palmira is concerned with this topic because she is going to school to be a teacher and she is a parent who cares about our education system.
